An e-mail such as: “I need you to send us two or three ideas for things to do with 300 people, with an estimate by tomorrow at the latest” is not part of MBS Modus Operandi.
When a firm is investing lots of money, time and talent in an event, it is not on to leave it to an agency and “let´s see what will come up”.
We have an in-depth knowledge of the industry, the products and the ecosystem. We contribute wih new ideas on venues and providers, innovative formats, or on how to be more sustainable. But mainly we want to be your partner, sharing the problems and working together to create the perfect event for you. It’s not only about doing, it’s about giving advice and providing expertise, based on strategic knowledge, to achieve the goals of communication, motivation or training.
Moreover, it’s a fact that events generate contents and commitment. They are an essential element of your marketing plans.
It is paramount to offer a meaningful and pleasant experience to the participants, to facilitate a sharing of their experiences with their colleagues and to be able to discuss same. They are part of a whole, and their goal, whatever department or industry they work in, is to identify with the brand and convey this feeling to their clients.
In order to succeed, we want to get to know our clients as much as we know ourselves, work hand in hand and generate trust and team spirit.
Above all, our main focus is on the event´s participants. They are the key element, we want them to interact, and feel that the event is more than just a party. Enjoying a unique experience to enhance motivation and loyalty is important, but there has to be an added value: training, an SCR activity or any other experience that will convey a message that can be taken home.
We want to move away from the grandiose “mis en scene” type of event and offer something more humane. We are lucky to be working at providing people with what they most like: a feeling that they are valuable.